Community Solutions Alliance, Inc. is an approved Representative Payee Program with the Social Security Administration. Our program was created to provide professional, compassionate financial services to those in need. As an Organizational Representative Payee, our goal is to assist individuals to live as independently as possible with dignity by managing their finances. Our highly trained, empathetic staff have the knowledge and experience to help those with disabilities successfully manage both their short- and long-term financial goals.

Why CSA?

  • Consistent monitoring of client accounts to ensure balances do not exceed limits for Medicaid eligibility.
  • We work closely with clients, caseworkers and families to establish appropriate and flexible budgets.
  • Coordination of all outside bank accounts, group home accounts, burial accounts and any other financial sources that may affect Medicaid eligibility.
  • Bank statements sent monthly or on request.
  • Assistance with renewals for Medicaid, Section 8, food stamps, Charity Care and more.
  • Close working relationships with Social Security, county and state providers.
  • Prompt and accurate reporting to the Social Security Administration regarding any changes to the beneficiary.
  • Debit card program available at no cost to the consumer.